Netwrix is a cybersecurity software company focused on protecting an organization’s sensitive data and the credentials attackers se to steal that data. By removing inappropriate data access, enforcing security policy, and detecting advanced threats, reduce security risk, fulfill compliance requirements, and decrease operations expense.

Netwrix secures the credentials attackers seek to compromise and exploit, and detect, prevent, and mitigate advanced threats at the endpoint, directory, and layers of your environment.

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Solutions covered by vendor

Data Security

Data Access Governance

Minimize the likelihood of a data breach by identifying your most critical data, limiting the number of accounts with access rights to that data, and maintaining this state for ongoing information security.

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Data Governance

Take control of your data

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oRansomware Protection

Secure Your Data from Being Kidnapped

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Privileged Access Management

Minimize the Risk from Admin Activity with Privileged Access Management Software

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Active Directory Security

End-to-End Active Directory Security Solution

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Identity & Access Management

Software Solutions to Secure Sensitive Data

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Compliance Solutions

Compliance Audit Solutions that Satisfy Auditors and Secure the Enterprise.

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